Types and Features of PokerStars Tournaments

PokerStars tournaments are both free and with a mandatory fee. Interesting events start in the room literally every hour. Therefore, you can easily find an event that suits you in terms of buy-in and prize pool.

Types of Tournaments at PokerStars

Types of Tournaments at PokerStars

Conventionally, all events in the star room can be divided into two large groups - single and multi-table. The former are in great demand among beginners, and the latter are in demand among pros.

Sit and go

Sit & Go - tournament competitions that start immediately after registering a certain number of players in them. In the Starz tournament bracket, events are presented with a huge range of buy-ins - from 0.02$ to 5 000$. In this group of tournaments, two main formats can be distinguished, which we will discuss later.

Spin & go

Spin & Go's PokerStars It is a single-table tournament, which takes place in the format of hyper-turbo. It has several features:

  • The prize pool is randomly selected before the start of the game;
  • Buy-ins range from 0.25$ to 500$;
  • The game takes place at 3-max tables.

Spin & Go tournaments are very popular among beginners, because with a relatively small buy-in you can win 100, or even 1000 times more.

Fifty50 Events

Fifty50 is a special kind of tournament in which 50% of its participants fall into the prize area. The game ends when exactly half of the poker players drop out of the competition. The prize pool is divided as follows:

  • 50% guarantees are equally divided among all Fifty50 winners;
  • The remaining 50% are also divided into all, but based on the size of the stack.

Participating in such a tournament, you are likely to get prizes. Therefore, you can recapture the mandatory contribution.

Multi Table Tournaments at PokerStars

Multi Table Tournaments at PokerStars

MTT is one of the most interesting sections in the Starz lobby. Visitors have access to just a huge list of events in various disciplines with both low and high buy-ins. To quickly find the tournament you need, you can use the filter system by specifying the type of poker, the format of the event and the size of the limits.

Qualification Tournaments

Satellites are qualifying competitions with a small buy-in, in which tickets for prestigious poker events are raffled off. A mandatory deposit at PokerStars starts from a few cents. In a satellite, you can win a ticket to an expensive world-class tournament without financial risk.

The Starz lobby has not only multi-table, but also single-table qualification events. To find a satellite, use the filter system.

Free competitions

Freerolls are tournaments without a mandatory fee with small guarantees. The assortment of “Red Peaks” has a huge number of such events, most of which are intended for beginners.

Inexperienced poker players love freerolls for:

  • Lack of buy-in;
  • Guaranteed gifts;
  • The opportunity to gain valuable experience.

Getting into the prizes in freerolls is not easy, because there are just a huge number of visitors participating in them.

Key Event Formats at PokerStars

The tournaments presented in the room are held in different formats - knockout, turbo, hyper-turbo, etc. Further we will explain how they differ from each other.


Knockout tournaments are events in which players receive rewards for knocking out opponents. Cash rewards are called bounties. During registration, all participants pay an additional fee, from which subsequently a reward for knocking out is paid.

All knockout tournaments are divided into 2 groups:

  • Events in which players receive a bounty for knocking out certain poker players. In most cases, they are members of the poker pro team.
  • Tournaments with increasing rewards for knocking out. In this case, the size of the bounty directly depends on the number of opponents knocked out by you.


Shutout is an MTT tournament that continues until there is only one poker player left at the table. There are no prize zones and second places, because the award goes only to the winner.

PokerStars has other event formats:

  • Zoom tournaments;
  • Limited time tournaments;
  • Deep Stack Competitions.

There are a lot of PokerStars tournaments, so you will find the suitable event for you 100%!

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